Please help us thank our sponsors and local food donors by shopping locally!
If you would like to support the Kids’ Pasta Project with a monetary, food, or other in-kind donation please reach out! We’d love to talk to you about our sponsorship program! Please contact us!
Your donations help us engage and empower youth while serving and connecting our community!
KPP is supported by Grants from:
Platinum Sponsors ($2500 +):
Alfred Eames Cellars
Gold Sponsors ($750-$2499):
Silver Sponsors ($250-$749):

Stuart Morris- Playfellow Studios

Smith Center (Town of Paonia)

CSU Agricultural Research Center

Rock ‘n Roots Farm

The Storm Cellar
Bronze Sponsors ($100-$249):

Western Culture Farmstead

First Fruits Organic Farms

Big B’s

High Desert Seed + Gardens

Mesa Winds Winery

Black Bridge Winery

Qutori Wines

The Nature Connection

Paonia Books

Don’s Market